Love Earth:100 Eco Ideas + 100 Eco Designs

Love Earth:100 Eco Ideas + 100 Eco Designs
"Practicality does not necessarily strip off pleasure – the creative use of recycled and sustainable resources can effectively attract attention and draw a more positive response to the global environmental campaign!
Love Earth is an eco-friendly edition that features 100 quotidian eco-ideas supplied from around the world and 100 fashion-forward graphic, product and architectural design that values sustainability as much as aesthetics in every day life."
My work is featured as Idea # 074 by viction:ary
ELPROGRESSO 'Héroes ocultos. Inventos Geniales' :Una exposición, a cargo de Vitra Design Museum, que muestra las maravillas del diseño sencillo y duradero se puede ver desde el jueves en la Horta do Seminario.
Los Angelis Times: June 26 2019 Gender-bending fashion and 5 other menswear trends for spring/summer 2020
Vogue : Summer Spring 2020 Menswear: Palm Angels, June 2019, Milan Italy
L’Officiel Jalou Media Group is a family-owned media group based in Paris, the international capital of fashion. For more than 95 years, the group has been entirely controlled by the Jalou family; With 27 international editions, L'Officiel has a presence across over 80 countries. L'Officiel USA aims to merge the century-long traditions of its predecessor with a modern approach. L' offers a daily snapshot of fashion, beauty, music, film, literature, culture, lifestyle, wellness, politics and more with an emphasis on telling stories that matter.
HUNGER The Palm Angels man has a timeless appeal. Not concerned by trends, however sets them. ….The accessories were this season’s showstoppers, however. the futuristic Men in Black-style- single connected shades extending far beyond the bridge. Some outlined by white frames on black lenses, others with orange translucent lenses by black frames, in addition , chains and chockers crafted from rubber bands, some strictly black and others in a fanciful mulitcolourred variant- now, whoever said pain wasn’t beauty?
Whitewall is the only independent art and luxury lifestyle magazine. Published quarterly, Whitewall began to set new standards for high-end, luxury publications with its launch in March 2006. Since then it has gained international acclaim. The magazine aims to go beyond the stark white walls of the art gallery to reveal the personalities that shape the art world and other creative industries.
HERO ….As to be expected from Palm Angels, there was also a selection of ostentatious accessories: multicoloured Peruvian hats, thin sports shades and rubber bands clustered together into lei-like necklaces added to the incongruous aesthetic.
View Sofia View Sofia e най-популярният портал за мода и лайфстайл в България. View Sofia is the most popular fashion and lifestyle portal in Bulgaria.
Bounce Rubber are an Australian owned and operated company. Bounce Rubber Bands, source their rubber from Thailand where it is commercially produced in plantations. The latex that Bounce Rubber Bands are made from is a renewable resource making our product a sustainable and ecofriendly choice. Bounce Rubber Bands promises to provide high quality, sustainable and ecofriendly Rubber Bands. Happy to be featured on their website!
Amano Vestiphobia en la Fábrica de Arte Cubano
Amano. Oficio y Diseño, es una plataforma multimedial que comprende los soportes impresos, digitales y audiovisuales para la promoción y el debate sobre diseño, arquitectura y artesanía en Cuba.
On Cuba Vestiphobia Cuba, la extravagancia de la moda
OnCuba is a communication platform legally based in Havana through a press Bureau, recognized by the Center for International Press (CPI) of the Cuban Ministry for Foreign Affairs. It is owned by Fuego Enterprises, Inc. (FUGI), a public Northamerican company founded in Nevada, the United States, in 2004. OnCuba’s mission is to promote different topics about the Cuban reality among the public opinion in the United States and connecting both markets in order to strengthen the bridge between Cuba and the US.
RUBBERS/EDNO EDNO is a platform for contemporary culture that organizes the festivals ONE DESIGN WEEK, ONE DANCE WEEK and ONE ARCHITECTURE WEEK. These are among the biggest and most distinguished festival labels in the Balkans working within the fields of design, dance and urban environment.
Rubber Bands Dress II by Margarita Mileva
MOCO LOCO is a web magazine dedicated to everything related to modern contemporary design and architecture, including; residential architecture, interior design, furniture, accessories, lighting, floorcoverings, wallcoverings, books, websites, audio-video, online & retail stores and more. Our design-savvy audience stops by frequently to check out the latest news, reviews and recommendations for products and services.
IMA IN:spired
Cityvision is a visionary’s point of departure.
With a team of architects and creatives, Cityvision fuels a new urban dynamic through publications unlike any other in the traditional architectural industry, a new series of engaging talks and a database that functions as an experimental platform for imaginative visions of the future of cities and innovative urban strategies. Cityvision uses its own cultural and strategic approach to develop an entirely new architectural lexicon.
Intricate Designer Dresses Made from Thousands of Recycled Rubber Bands
TreeHugger is the leading media outlet dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream. Partial to a modern aesthetic, we strive to be a one-stop shop for green news, solutions, and product information.
RB Dress / 2010
Cityvision is a visionary’s point of departure.
With a team of architects and creatives, Cityvision fuels a new urban dynamic through publications unlike any other in the traditional architectural industry, a new series of engaging talks and a database that functions as an experimental platform for imaginative visions of the future of cities and innovative urban strategies. Cityvision uses its own cultural and strategic approach to develop an entirely new architectural lexicon.
Маргарита Милева: Изкуството и екологията в него имат и социална роля
от на 27/01/2013 е мястото в българското уеб пространство за най-свежа информация от света на зелените технологии. Тук ще намерите новини, обзори, анализи и специфично знание за продукти и решения, които правят живота ни по-екологичен. e част от портфолиото на ТехНюз ООД, издател на водещия технологичен сайт
БГ архитектка в Ню Йорк прави рокли от рециклирани ластици и офис-материали
от на 27/01/2013 е мястото в българското уеб пространство за най-свежа информация от света на зелените технологии. Тук ще намерите новини, обзори, анализи и специфично знание за продукти и решения, които правят живота ни по-екологичен. e част от портфолиото на ТехНюз ООД, издател на водещия технологичен сайт
dezeen M2 by Milev Architects Dezeen is the world's most popular and influential architecture and design magazine, and the winner of numerous awards for journalism and publishing.
Dezeen’s mission is simple: to bring you a carefully edited selection of the best architecture, design and interiors projects and news from around the world.
Working out of the Box: Margarita Mileva
Working out of the Box is a series of features presenting architects who have applied their architecture backgrounds as alternative career paths. The goal of Archinect is to make architecture more connected and open-minded, and bring together designers from around the world to introduce new ideas from all disciplines.
Българка покорява света с бижута и рокли от ластици / 2011 I hope that you will enjoy seeing images of my work
Rubber Banded Baubles by Joetta Made
Télérama 04/2019 Télérama is a weekly French cultural and TV magazine published in Paris, France.
Asia's Fashion Jewelry & Accessories Review, Mar/May 2015
Maker Magic, by Connie Fox, 2015
BRAVACASA, September 2014
2011 Form:The Making of Design Germany, Issue # 236 1/2011 Issue 2, 2013
ROUGE, Bulgaria 3/2011
Игра на ластик
את At Magazine Israel, 2/2011
The Telegraph UK, January 6, 2011
Architect Margarita Mileva does not only design buildings - she also designs clothing and jewellery.
Daily Mail, UK, January 2013
That's one way of using the stationery supplies! Designer reveals incredible dress made using 18,000 rubber bands and weighing over a STONE and a half.
NY Post, New York, USA, January 8, 2013
A Manhattan architect who likes to stretch her imagination creates dresses made of rubber bands.
NBC Today Show
New York, USA 2013
Кламерите и ластиците се превръщат в изкуство
БНТ СОФИЯ, БЬЛГАРИЯ / BNT SOFIA, BULGARIA Bulgarian National Television August 2014